Diabetes Services & “My Diabetes My Way “

There are a number of services that can help you when it comes to looking after yourself if you have diabetes.

Routine care

The majority of people with diabetes are looked after by the Practice.

We like to see all people with diabetes twice a year, once during their annual health check and usually again 6 months later.

You will receive an invite for both the annual health check and the 6 month review. Your annual health check appointment would initially be with a Health Care Assistant followed by, at least a few days later, an appointment with the Practice Nurse. Your 6 monthly review would be with a Health Care Assistant.

There are times when you will need to be seen more often than twice a year, for example after you are first diagnosed or if problems are detected during one of the routine reviews. We arrange these additional reviews as needed and may be a nurse or one of the Doctors.

The Practice team

The Practice Nurse and your GP will usually provide this service with assistance from other health care professionals.

Please check with your Practice for clinic times.

My Diabetes My Way

The NHS Scotland interactive diabetes website to help support people who have diabetes and their family and friends.

You’ll find leaflets, videos, educational tools and games containing information about diabetes. You can now also use this website to view your own up-to-date diabetes clinic results, to help you manage your condition more effectively.

Specialist care

If there is a particular problem identified with your diabetes care that we cannot help you within the practice, then we will refer you to a specialist service.